The Mum Diaries: Lottie Hall
Allow me to introduce an incredible whom we have an infinite amount of respect and admiration towards, not only for her super mum powers but also her beautiful self-titled clothing label, Lottie Hall.
Lottie Hall has two insanely adorable children, Tigerlily and Yves! We asked if she could share a little about them and where she found inspiration for their beautiful and unique names.
"Tigerlily is 2 and 4 months and Yves is 4 months. They are only 6 days apart in birthdates so they are quite similar.
Tigerlily is my lil sidekick and is all things happy, gentle, cautious, chatty, super cute and a child prodigy ;)
Yves so far has been a super cruisey baby. He's resting face is this adorable little frown but as soon as he catches your eye, he beams at you with huge smiles. He has these really cute chubby hands and is a little teddy bear."
When asked what her favourite part of motherhood was Lottie exclaimed, "the whole thing!"
Creating and watching mini humans that grow to become big humans, it’s one epic journey."
She goes on to explain that, "there is no such thing as time to yourself. And yet you love them so much, you wouldn't have it any other way."

As mentioned earlier, Lottie owns an insanely beautiful clothing label (check it out), so we wondered how she found balancing two mini humans and a clothing line?
With a bit of difficulty! I've re-adjusted how the business runs to accommodate motherhood currently. I’m also very lucky to have a close circle of help, my partner also being in the same field of work handles some areas and I am blessed to have a photographer as one of my besties."
Lottie describes her usual 24 hours...
6.30 wake up as Tigerlily awakes ( she's our alarm clock ). I've already been up through the night nursing Yves. Breakfast of green smoothies, porridge, toast whatever the 2 year old requests! Quick second to glance at emails/plan work day/ get dressed whilst Baby daddy Jock is still at home. Jock goes to work and we will usually have a play date/coffee date/ beach hang planned with buddies, I get out in the morning with the kiddies so by lunch time they nap and I can work for around 3 hours whilst they both (fingers crossed) nap! Afternoon hit our local beach or go for a walk, sometimes if I'm clever and need to be sketching/designing prints I will get Tigerlily to draw with me. If any extra work needs to be done I cram it in when Jock gets home. Dinner - we might go out with friends a few times a week locally or eat at home, bath and bed for Tigerlily. Yves routine is continuously changing at 4 months but he sleeps and wakes all throughout. Wind down with Jock, go to sleep and then do it all over again! My goodness that sounds old!"
For all the women who are about the embark on the journey of motherhood, Lottie's words of advice are: "Just enjoy every minute of it and be gentle on yourself and your family - it goes so fast, life's not a race."
Those are wise words to live by. It is advice can be translated into any part of our lives, whether it be work, relationships, travelling or motherhood.
As a Mothers Day gift we gifted Lottie a scent that we thought would perfectly suit her busy lifestyle, Sandalwood & Vanilla Bean from The Candle Library's New Classics Range...Lottie's thoughts on the scent?
I love it! Vanilla is such a sweet guilty pleasure of a scent, and mixed with sandalwood makes it so much more masculine, spicy and interesting. A definite favourite."