One day per year dedicated to mothers just isn't enough - we are spending the entire week celebrating some incredible and inspiring women!
Amelia Fullarton is a fashion and wedding photographer as well as a mum to two beautiful little girls Arlo and Aggy Lou (are they not the cutest names ever?)

Amelia is also currently pregnant, so we asked how she found balancing a successful career while being pregnant and having two young girls?
"I'm lucky, I've always had fairly easy pregnancies. Fortunately that means I can trek on, with work and mothering. It's only really the last two weeks that I feel I need to slow down."
There is no slowing down this super mum, it seems she has the gift to juggle it all!
"Work is busier then ever! Seems to always be the way. I'm lucky though, working for myself allows flexibility, which means I can be with my girls most of the time."
It must be fantastic to have a job with flexibility, however Ameila explains that her other job isn't so flexible.
"There are no 'days off'. Sometimes you might just want to take it at your own pace, but that just isn't possible when you become a Mother. You are their whole universe."
But having no days off from motherhood definitely pays off when "the love, is unlike anything you've ever experienced."
We asked Amelia if she had any advice for new or expecting mothers, and her response was very humble and very true. There is a lot advice out there, but at the end of the day, every person is different and every child is different.
"I think it's hard to give advice when it comes to becoming a parent. Your baby will be completely different to mine, you will be a different mother to me and your experience will be more than likely, different! We are all on our own journey."
Amelia compares what a normal day looks like, compared to her dream day and luckily for her it really doesn't look too different (except for the laundry)!
Regular day: "
Coffee, more coffee, friends, work, kids, house work, laundry, emails, food, chill, cuddles and dinner.
Dream day: "Coffee and a delicious breakfast. A full family day out together adventuring, just us. An early dinner, sipping red wine and snuggling up under a blanket with my love."
"I love it, smooth and not too in your face!"