Trigger Your Nostalgia


Some of the strongest triggers of nostalgia, are smells.


Fragrances are complex and layered, designed to evoke a particular time and place, triggering memories and nostalgia.


Scents have the ability to transport you to another place, at another time and allow you to relish and enjoy that memory over and over again.


There is a beauty in the everyday, sometimes it’s the simple things you just need to notice…


The flickering (contained!) flame of a candle can burn away your stress and simply help you feel better. 


The Luxuriate – Persian Lime & Lemongrass allows you to take a snap shot of summer and close your eyes, nostalgic memories are triggered with notes of lemongrass and zesty lime, and remind you of salt spray windows looking out towards an endless horizon. Summer memories of evening swims, salty, sticky air with a hint of crisp freshness. Evoke all that is magical about the breathtaking, coastal landscape.


Imagine this, you draw a bath, light the beautiful, warm and soothing Paddy Wax – Rosemary & Fennel Candle. Enjoy the beautiful, calming effects of essential oils and natural fragrances. Let the lingering fragrance and warm, steamy water wash away a hard day. Immerse yourself in the soothing, relaxing scent.


As you light P.F Candle Co - Laundry Day, you cast your mind back to the peace and serenity of climbing into a freshly made bed, in a silent house. The everlasting, enduring scent of fresh and clean sheets and just-washed pyjamas.


Remind yourself of hot and humid nights as a teenager as you burn Alchemy Produx – Neroli & May Chang. The perfectly masculine cologne of your latest crush, summer nights in the backyard and being out just a little too late.


(Image: Because Hawaii